We sometimes refer to the Local Church as Kingdom Culture Worship Assembly.

Hebrews 10:25 makes this clear as the writer gives a clear and unmistakable COMMAND to Believers not to forsake the “Assembly” of ourselves. It also adds the note of warning “as the manner/habit of some…”. This was an allusion to the fact that many might trivialize its importance.

The word “assembly” has a double meaning. In its surface context; it speaks of gathering in a common location for a common purpose (the original context was of a legislative body to deliberate). The legislative Body would gather to accomplish a function and it was not complete without the experience and expertise that each member brought. In other words, it was like an assembly line in a factory where separate functional parts were ASSEMBLED together to form a product of higher value than each separate part.

Kingdom Culture is a Family. We gather for fellowship, community, doctrinal instruction and corporate encounter with God (via prayer, worship and giving). We are also assembled into a purpose greater than the sum of its parts that harnesses the gifts, passions and resources of its constituents to achieve World
Transformation on a scale that none of us could accomplish alone.

In order to accomplish this, we plant Assemblies in strategic cities. See below for Assemblies in the UK.

Get in touch today to find the closest Local Church to you!


Start time: 1pm


9th Floor

Great West House

Great West Road, Brentford.

London. TW8 9DF


Start time: 1pm

Location: Leonardo Hotel Nottingham,

Station Street,



Take a look at KCM's Calendar for our upcoming events and activities for the year

We hold weekly services and provide fellowship and discipleship. We provide pastoral support, hold prayer meetings and events that build one another up. We will like to have you as a part of our community.

Copyright Kingdom Culture | 2025