Our History

In 2005, (5 years after receiving a call to ministry) Rev. Israel Olumide Isiavwe had a series of sovereign encounters with the Lord in which he was given a deep burden for the state of the Church of Jesus worldwide and especially in the “West”. He clearly saw the Father’s heart as the Lord desired a new breed of Christian, not caught up in religion, self-preservation, and dogma but passionately burning for Him. A people of Relationship, Purity, and Authority who would DIE for Him. He had been a campus and itinerant minister before this but he sensed God was leading him down a specific assignment.

In Sept 2007, he had another season of Divine dealings; which culminated in another Sovereign visitation during December of the same year where he knew he would no longer be able to keep his secular job. After 9 months of Spiritual “Pregnancy”, he stepped into full-time ministry in May 2008, serving the Youth Pastor at Victory Assembly Church in Sheffield, UK until Oct 2009 where God used him to raise up a new generation of “Presence Carriers” called the “Mighty Ones”.

During this time, he began to travel as an itinerant Revivalist and Teacher of God’s Word and was favored to see outstanding and uncommon manifestations of God’s Glory and Power such as healings, demonic deliverances, supernatural interventions, and miracles. But nothing thrilled him as much as the manifestations of God’s Glory that brought numerous people to repentance and consecration at the Master’s altar. Many people who were saved and touched in this way by his ministry have gone on into Christian ministry and Church leadership.

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In January 2009, he heard the Lord whisper the words “Nottingham” while in his bathroom and over the next few months, he came to clearly understand that he was being called to start a Missions Base in the city of Nottingham with no money, connections or publicity to depend on. He was released with the blessing of Victory Assembly’s leadership and started “Metamorphosis Ministries” with the flagship event “Face 2 Face”; a Worship Experience like no other in which God’s unfettered Presence and Glory is pursued in unscripted Worship. The Power of the Holy Spirit has touched, saved, healed and delivered many through this event that continues to hold quarterly.

In Nov 2009, a team of 3 people (Rev. Israel & 2 others) started Thursday meetings in Nottingham with a hall rented for £24 and 7 people in attendance. Sunday congregational services began in Feb 2010 and Ecclesia Kingdom Centre (EKC) was born. A Kingdom Assembly with the vision and mandate to be a multi-racial expression of the Glory, Power, Culture, and Influence of Heaven’s Kingdom in the Earth. From this base in Nottingham, the Message and Influence of the Kingdom began affecting the whole country and the wider world.

From March to May 2012, Rev. Israel experienced his most intense season of visitations yet. In several dreams, visions, and trances, he was commissioned by the Lord Jesus directly to pick up the gauntlet thrown down by the advancing forces of hell in this age and to walk in the mantle of an Apostle (the word “Apostle” was spoken by the Lord Himself on several separate occasions).He received instructions regarding the restructuring and re-focusing of the Ministry. He was to lead a MOVEMENT; which would (along with others around the world) become a template for what Heaven was doing in this new season of the Kingdom and be a reference point for others to follow. Rather than building a church, we were to become a Regional Epicentre of Apostolic Awakening, Revival & Reformation. Not just to serve itself but an entire region in Apostolic activity and to allow church congregations grow as an overflow of the fruit of this activity. Our location in Nottingham was to become a Missions Base to the rest of the nation and other parts of the world.

In 2014, Rev. Israel and Dr. Ajoke were commissioned by God to plant a Missions in the London Area of the United Kingdom and another in Lagos, Nigeria. This began a season of weekly trips to London and quarterly trips to Lagos where they held prayer gatherings and trained ministry teams.

In 2015, after almost a year of prayer and deliberation, Ecclesia Kingdom Movement was rebranded “Kingdom Culture Movement” to clearly express our Divine assignment: to facilitate the Influence of the Culture of Heaven’s Kingdom in the earth. We were to take everything we had learned and experienced over the last decade of Ministry and distill it into relevant expressions that would make a tangible impact in our communities and cities. In other words; “to speak the language of Heaven with the accent of the earth”. We were also to fully embrace our mandate to become a foundation for God’s global Kingdom as opposed to prioritizing a local ministry or brand.

In 2017, after this covenant release, KC London, and KC Lagos were planted as the 1st fruits of a recalibrated expression of the original vision. This is an exciting but challenging time for us and we are proceeding with much prayer, fasting and seeking the Lord’s Face and Heart. Our vision is to raise up Apostolic centres of Revival, Reformation, Restoration, Awakening & Transformation.

We are not a church planting Movement but an Apostolic & Prophetic Network of modern day urban missionaries. We seek not to expand a vision but to proliferate the purposes of God’s Kingdom and we will be open to going into new geographical territory as EXPRESSLY directed by the Holy Spirit. Our primary concern, however, is to work within our bases and with strategic Kingdom Alliances in various cities to lay strong foundations for the emergence of the Kingdom of God.

Our Slogan

“Touching Heaven, Changing Earth, Transforming Our World”

Our Apostolic Foundation

Kingdom Culture Movement was officially inaugurated in 2009 as Metamorphosis Ministries, it was the culmination of a vision received in 2000 by Rev. Israel (Olumide) Isiavwe at a dining table in the early hours of the morning while in contemplative prayer before the Lord. He would be commissioned as a Youth Minister that year with All Believers Congregation in Lagos, Nigeria (led by Bishop S.A. & Rev. Seun David). He would relocate to the UK in 2002 where he initially kept a low profile ministerially.

In 2005, Rev. Israel had a series of sovereign encounters with the Lord in which he was given a deep burden for the state of the Church of Jesus worldwide and especially in the “West”. He saw clearly the Father’s heart as the Lord desired a new breed of Christian, not caught up in religion, self-preservation, and dogma but passionately burning for Him. A people of Relationship, Purity, and Authority who would LIVE totally abandoned to Him and be ready to DIE for Him if need be.

He began to travel extensively as an itinerant revivalist and preacher, seeing increasing demonstrations of the Glory of God through his ministry and it was this period that shaped the ethos that would later the foundation for Kingdom Culture Movement. He was mentored personally by Pastor Steve Tutu, Pastor Musa Bako, Rev. Kola Ewuoso and heavily influenced by Rev. Eastwood Anaba and Bishop Tudor Bismark (who would eventually become his Apostolic father).

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In 2007, he accepted the call to serve as an Associate Pastor & Youth Pastor with Victory Assembly Church in Sheffield, UK (under the leadership of Pastor Musa Bako). Here would test and prove the efficacy of his emerging paradigm of Kingdom ministry and grow a Youth and Young adults ministry that literally produced national and generational impact which still speaks today.

In January 2009, Rev. Israel heard the Lord whisper the words “Nottingham” while in his bathroom and over the next few months, he came to clearly understand that he was being called to start an Apostolic Centre in the city of Nottingham with no money, connections or publicity to depend on. “Metamorphosis Ministries” was birthed with the flagship event “Face 2 Face”.

Over the next few years (and under the duress of extreme satanic attack in his personal life and ministry), he worked tirelessly to raise up capable 5-fold leadership to transition the Movement from personality centred (around him) to a true Apostolic Team of individuals who shared a common passion, burden and responsibility for the Agenda of God in their times.

This MOVEMENT has evolved into multiple Epicentres of Kingdom Activity (Revival, Reformation, Restoration, Awakening & Transformation) operating with the ethos of raising “Transformation Agents” who have renewed their minds in line with Eternity’s perspective and releasing them into every arena of society and life to manifest the Kingdom’s Power and Influence.

Out of this has emerged several “Missions Bases” and local church communities with a majority aged 40 and younger, Kingdom Culture is fulfilling its mandate to raise an “Emerging Church (Ekklesia)” which is relevant across generational boundaries. “Metamorphosis” continues to function as the Apostolic Outreach of KCM with a strong emphasis on “re-calibrating” a new generation of Kingdom Leaders who are trained and equipped to administer Heaven’s interests in the earth today.

The mandate of KCM has evolved since 2015 to providing a pint of reference for other ministers, ministries and initiatives. Via the Kingdom Culture Church Network (KCCN) and as a founding partner in the Reformer’s Alliance Worldwide (RAW), we are availing many others of our “freedom path” (experiences, mistakes, lessons, transactions and spiritual equity). We providing covering, accountability, training and above all inspiration as proof that God can do much with little that is faithfully presented to him.

We firmly believe our greatest days are yet ahead and discern strongly an imminent Global Reformation in the Kingdom. We are humbled to be positioned significantly in this agenda of Heaven and our humble prayer is “Work through us, we are nothing without You!”

Our Culture

At KCM, everything we are and do is driven by the centrality of “The Kingdom”. We believe unequivocally that Christ did not live and die to establish a religious order or even a spiritual ideology. He came to establish the Government of Heaven’s Kingdom on Earth and IN the systems of the World.

The word Kingdom in the New Testament is the word “basileia”. Which simply means the authority or jurisdiction of a monarch over a territory, domain or arena (geographical, intellectual or spiritual). A Kingdom can simply be thought of as the domain of a King or the dominion of a King over the said domain. When the Bible is looked at through this lens; it becomes blindingly clear that the Christian Faith (and Judaism before it) is simply the story of a loving King relating with his citizens (every citizen is also a child) and His quest to establish His Kingdom in the hearts of men and the systems of society.

Unlike other monarchs, God does not extend or defend His Kingdom by military might but through willingly surrendered lives who in turn influence others. In other words, He offers a choice to be a citizen of this Kingdom and woos as opposed to coercing us. The Kingdom of God is successfully established when an individual or group of people are internally transformed by The Holy Spirit in their spirit and renewed in their mind to think, talk and act in line with the Culture of Heaven.

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The Kingdom is not a destination or an EVENT, we believe it is a process and a CULTURE. Culture speaks of “a way of life” that is intrinsic and natural. It is our desire to be agents of Transformation through which the Culture of God’s Kingdom can take root in the hearts, minds and lives of individuals, families, communities and nations. We are not interested in religious or spiritual activities and experiences that have no practical and lasting effect on the Culture around us.

Ours is a battle for the hearts, minds and paradigms of a generation. We believe that Revival and Awakening are only profitable when they manifest in Restoration, Transformation & Reformation. Our ultimate goal is Reformation; in other words seeing the Culture of the Kingdom practically shape the everyday life and reality of our environments.

We also believe that the most effective and efficient way to accomplish Reformation is to raise leaders and influencers, not followers and parishioners. Everything we do is geared towards this model. We realise that we might not be for everyone and not everyone who “attends” our churches will actively plug into this vision and ethos. However we are unabashed about WHO we are, WHAT we seek to accomplish and HOW we desire to go about it.

We want to see the Knowledge (intimate experience) of the Glory (Nature, Character, Will and Ability) of the Lord cover (Blanket, Overcome and Inflitrate) the Earth. Like the water, cover the sea.

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We hold weekly services and provide fellowship and discipleship. We provide pastoral support, hold prayer meetings and events that build one another up. We will like to have you as a part of our community.

Copyright Kingdom Culture | 2025