As a modern day apostolic movement, we believe we are called to practically influence our cities and nations with the Culture of Heaven’s Kingdom. We believe the local church is central to this assignment but we do not focus on growing churches. We believe that healthy and apostolic churches are the overflow of strategic and Spirit-led Kingdom activity in a region. Hence, we refer to our locations as Missions Bases (or colloquially just “Bases”) not “churches”. Each Missions Base is built around a local congregation but exists for so much more than just regular “church life”.

The local church is an integral part of God’s purpose in our dispensation and the abuse and distortion it has endured in our day do not invalidate its relevance. We are called to raise up local congregations which are relevant not just to their environment and generation but to the Dispensation of God’s Dealings with His Body.

Our Missions Bases are designed to be Epicentres of Kingdom Awakening, Revival, Reformation, Renewal & Transformation. The blueprint was the analogy of a nation’s military:

The Ground Army

The Ground Army represents physical activity like church services, “Gatherings”, personal and supernatural evangelism and practical ministries of help especially to the less privileged. Everything that includes human contact and activity.

The Navy

The Navy represents strategic and systematic spiritual activities like a Prophetic Intercessory Network, 24-hr prayer centres, organised corporate fasts, Worship Experiences and meetings, strategic spiritual warfare, prayer chains and similar initiatives. Water is a metaphor for the spirit and the Navy will police the waterways with zeal, excellence and wisdom.

The Airforce

The Air-force is to this end, a concerted and focused effort is to be placed on delivering anointed Media in any format possible in an organised and strategic way. This includes setting online streaming channels of teachings, worship session, interactive discussions and creative programming. CDs, DVDs, podcasts, theatre productions, TV and Radio Stations, etc. It is our mission to take advantage of every available vehicle and platform of media

All the above arms focus on one specific assignment: winning the war for the minds and hearts of people starting with the “church” and then the unsaved world. To restore the focus of Christianity to the KINGDOM of God in the Earth where He is not just Saviour but Lord of every practical aspect of Life and Society.

A fourth arm is necessary for sustainable and generational results: The Military Academy. We will need to create an environment in which we can recruit, raise and build quality men and women to undertake the above task; teaching them to ground both their lives and ministries in the Culture, Glory and Power of God’s Kingdom till it covers the Earth like the waters the sea.

This Academy is to be 2-fold:

1. A “Local Church” where believers can be won and disciplined in fellowship with God and each other for the above purpose.

2. A dedicated Academy where advanced dynamics of the Culture, Principles, Mysteries, Glory and Power of the Kingdom can be taught and imparted to raise an elite corps of Kingdom individuals who can carry the burden of Heaven’s agenda in their generation.

We believe that every Kingdom Ministry must build by its own pattern as revealed by God through Scripture and the Voice of God. Some are called to plant churches prolifically and do so with our utmost blessing, validation and support. We will also empower those within our Kingdom Family who seek to pursue a church planting or leading call under our umbrella.

Our PRIMARY assignment, however, is to establish hubs of Kingdom Activity which may or may not give rise to local congregations are led by the Spirit. We first seek to empower and partner with existing churches and will only plant as EXPRESSLY directed by God.

Our Slogan

“Touching Heaven, Changing Earth, Transforming Our World”

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We hold weekly services and provide fellowship and discipleship. We provide pastoral support, hold prayer meetings and events that build one another up. We will like to have you as a part of our community.

Copyright Kingdom Culture | 2025