Kingdom Builders are the financial & prayer partners of Kingdom Culture Movement (KCM). Together, they help us deliver our ministry mandate and also fund our charitable/social justice initiatives.

KCM is a multi-faceted umbrella of kingdom ministries and initiatives. Our ethos is summarised in our mission statement: "Touching Heaven, Changing Earth, Transforming Our World". At KCM, everything we are is driven by the centrality of the Kingdom. We believe that Christ did not live and die to establish a religious order or even spiritual ideology. He came to establish the Government of Heaven's Kingdom on earth and in the systems of the World.

We believe that the most effective and efficient way to accomplish Reformation is to raise leaders who are ready to partner with God in every way possible in order for His Kingdom to be established.

Would you like to Support a Specific Project?

  • Prayer Watch Network

  • Poverty Relief & Disaster Response

  • Third World Development & Infrastructure

  • Local Evangelism & Community Outreach

  • Media Projects

  • Building & Capital Projects

  • Ministerial & Missionary Support

  • Kenya Orphanage

  • Events & Conferences

  • Bible College/School of Ministry

To become a Kingdom Builder, please click the link below to fill in the details

We hold weekly services and provide fellowship and discipleship. We provide pastoral support, hold prayer meetings and events that build one another up. We will like to have you as a part of our community.

Copyright Kingdom Culture | 2023